Marcus W. Dickson, Ph.D.
Marcus W. Dickson is a Partner of the Center for Physician Leader Excellence (CPLE). In addition to his work with CPLE, he serves as director of doctoral and master’s degree training in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology at Wayne State University, and as a full professor of Psychology. He has been active as a consultant focusing on personnel selection and assessment for over 20 years. As a scholar and researcher, Marcus has focused on issues of leadership in organizations, including leadership across cultures. He has published over 75 articles and book chapters, and his work has been cited by other scholars over 14,000 times.
Marcus earned his BA from West Virginia Wesleyan College, and his MA and Ph.D. in I/O Psychology from the University of Maryland. He is an elected member of the Executive Board of the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP), in which he also holds the status of Fellow. He has been recognized for excellence as a faculty member numerous times, by SIOP, Wayne State University, and the State of Michigan, among others.
Marcus has worked with a wide range of organizations in his consulting practice, partnering with a number of consulting firms as well as through Wayne State. Clients include Ford, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Personnel Board of Jefferson County, AL, the City of Detroit, and the City of Birmingham, AL, among others.